Wednesday 5 October 2011

Blackberry Logo Wallpaper - Android Application on BB Playbook!

Research in Motion Ltd. The Company behind BlackBerry is working on new software for BlackBerry Playbook Tablet PC.
This New Software would add not one or two but 130,000+ Applications for the users to download. Surprised?
RIM is working on creating software that could make Google AndroidApplicationsrun on BlackBerry Playbook Tablet PC. Google Android OS is the most popular operating system for New Tablet PCs and BlackBerry seems to have noticed it.
Google Android Apps on BlackBerry Playbook… Truth or Rumor?
Well I am sorry to disappoint you that BlackBerry has not been totally successful in creating an application described above for BlackBerry Playbook Tablet PC.
Image Credit: Into Mobile
One more thing to know in this matter is that a few insiders at BlackBerry have informed that BB is actually working on such an application, would they be able to create a Tablet PC that has the best of both worlds? We would find out soon!
RIM Turns down Dalvik, Creates a New Engine

When this rumor came into existence, the first explanation that came out was thatBlackBerry must be utilizing the Dalvik Java Engine for making Google Apps run perfectly on BlackBerry Playbook Tablet PC but to due to the dispute between Google and Oracle Corp.
BlackBerry has decided not to go for Dalvik Java Engine but to come with the next big thing.
Google Android Apps are very popular so if BlackBerry is able to create software like this that is functional too, BB is on a roll.
Many other companies might buy or try to create a replica of it too! And Google Android Apps may become a standard application store but then the question is would Google approves BlackBerry Tablet PC running its apps?
BlackBerry Playbook… What’s Special?
BlackBerry Playbook is not much unique now but it was quite impressive when it was announced, the Tablet PC world is growing so rapidly that you declare a new innovation today and then someone else comes up with another, better one within a month.
BlackBerry Playbook Tablet PC let’s you view HD movies flawlessly, it has good RAM and a powerful processor embedded in it.
Currently BlackBerry Playbook is available for $499.99 which is a moderate price for a 1GHz Tablet PC, I like it.
So what do you think about this whole integration concept? Do you thinkBlackBerry would be able to manage decent software for BlackBerry PlaybookTablet PC that could support all Google Android Apps?
Source: Wizard Journal


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